Growing up in Ottawa, Misha took the opportunity to learn about Rabies vector species at a young age, starting her lifelong passion in animal care at only 14 by volunteering with local wildlife centres. Her passion led her to dabble in the Veterinary Medical programs at an Ontario college before following her second passion of travelling and exploring the great outdoors. After a brief stay at a local emergency clinic working in the ICU and Emergency departments, Misha relocated which sparked a 10-year career with Wildlife Centres and Zoos across North America giving her the opportunity to work closely with many exotic animals including sharks, birds of prey, large animals, and a variety of reptiles. A sense of family brought Misha back to Ottawa where she managed the reptile department at a local pet store before officially joining the Nepean and Chapman Mills Animal Hospitals. When not at work, Misha will often be hiking or spending time with her cat!