Nepean Animal Hospital and Chapman Mills Animal Hospital are always open to providing the highest-quality services to our patients. We are committed to getting your loyal companion the veterinary care they need especially in critical cases. Sometimes we refer complex orthopedic procedures to a board-certified surgeon. The referred surgeon has advanced training and equipment to treat your pet’s unique condition.
We often refer canine patients who have intricate ACL repairs or intervertebral disk disease. Our team will transfer your pet’s radiographs and other documents that will help the surgeon treat their case. We often check in with the referred surgeon to see how your pet is progressing. If you have more questions about the referral process, please give us a call at 613-829-0220 or 613-843-1334.
I am not a client at your hospital, how can I get a referral for my pet?
Referrals for our services are typically processed by your primary care team. They will provide you with all the information you need to prepare for an upcoming appointment at Nepean and Chapman Mills Animal Hospitals.